September 2022
Dr. Odiambo has started clinics in other locations, but after upgrading the rented buildings, adding electricity at the clinic’s expense, unscrupulous landlords would make unreasonable demands or start charging exorbitant rates forcing them to locate elsewhere.
Phillip recognized he needed a place that he actually owned so this would not continue to happen. Through his father’s generosity, he was able to get clear title to a piece of property in a good location where the surrounding villages lacked close medical care. This was a parcel of the land owned by his father, purchased many years ago with the money his dad earned serving in the Uganda Army. His father has also donated land for a village school and a church.
The clinic is estimated to cost $25,000. Two generous donors have provided the initial $10,000. Remedy Uganda is applying for a grant from another non-profit to help cover the other expenses. The villagers are excited to have a good facility in this region, home to approximately 20,000 people.
A DEEP AQUIFER water well will also be installed at the clinic, benefiting both the clinic and villagers. The price per well is $4,000, which is $10,000 less than most drilling companies charge. $2,500 has already been donated towards this well. It will provide clean water for the clinic AND the added benefit of selling water shares (a common practice) to the villagers. Water shares will help the clinic meet some of their basic operating expenses. Not only will everyone benefit from improved health, the people will lose less work and school time from the many water-borne illnesses. Neighboring village girls will be able to easily fetch water in a much safer environment and will more likely be able to attend school. The entire community will become more self-sustaining and closer to walking out of their poverty.
Your donation (large or small) to this medical project will be greatly appreciated.
On September 23, the clinic had a groundbreaking ceremony. Dr. Odiambo shared that when the dedication of the land was taking place it started to drizzle. It lasted through the dedicatory prayer and then ended. The people were amazed, and they all considered this a positive affirmation of the work that is beginning to take place.