We Focus On Three Key Areas:
“No people have ever overcome poverty without first solving their water problem: THE VILLAGE DRILL is our affordable solution. ”
CELESTIAL HANDS: Empowering women and girls in Uganda to create self-reliance for themselves and their families and instill the value of education.
REMEDY UGANDA: Providing access to quality, safe and continued professional health care services and information for the urban, peri-urban and rural communities.
Water Charity Work in Africa

The biggest hurdle the Ugandan people face is access to clean water. Without solving this basic need, no people has ever been able to climb out of poverty. Many different charities help provide shallow water wells in Uganda, but two problems remain: first, shallow water wells often dry up or become contaminated. Second, when people are gifted shallow water wells without the means to develop self-reliance and maintain those wells, their access to clean water is unsustainable. It’s For Africa provides a solution to these two problems with drilling Deep Water Wells in a way that promotes self reliance and allows the Ugandan villagers to take ownership of their wells.
Lucy would often miss weeks of school at a time because of diarrhea or cholora. She now has access to clean water which has eliminated these illnesses and allows her to attend school regularly. DEEP WATER WELL DRILLING HELPS BOYS AND GIRLS TO SPEND SIGNIFICANTLY MORE TIME IN SCHOOL.
Lucy would often miss weeks of school at a time because of diarrhea or cholora. She now has access to clean water which has eliminated these illnesses and allows her to attend school regularly. DEEP WATER WELL DRILLING HELPS BOYS AND GIRLS TO SPEND SIGNIFICANTLY MORE TIME IN SCHOOL.
The Village Drill:
The Affordable, Long-Term Solution
This innovative drill, designed in 2010 by graduate engineering students, is now used all over the world for drilling deep aquifer boreholes because it is simple, compact, efficient, and affordable. It is also easily transported in the back of a pick-up truck, and can be carried to villages that otherwise would not have access to a deep water drill. It can be assembled in an hour and can drill almost 300 feet, penetrating nearly all strata.This man-powered system is operated by our Ugandan team, Deep Well Water Drillers (DWWD), who can get the job done for a fraction of the cost of the big rig drillers. DWWD also offers interest-free community funded loans, which allow for immediate usage and if paid off in time, offers the village a substantial discount.

Our Volunteers: Donating Time and Talent to Charity
All volunteers and Board Members serve and share their time and talents without any compensation. They pay all their own expenses when traveling to Uganda. They are passionate about providing humanitarian aid in a way that teaches the people personal dignity and self-reliance. Every penny that IFA raises is applied to help defray the costs of drilling wells, to help with the village medical clinic or to help with feminine hygiene and enterprise materials for the women’s projects.
Please Donate Today
It’s for Africa has made a lasting impact on thousands of lives by providing water wells in Uganda, but there are still millions of people who suffer from the ongoing water crisis who need our help. Despite the hard work and dedication of many people in Uganda to escape poverty, the odds are stacked against them without access to this basic necessity. By working together with Ugandan villagers and donors like you, we have the potential to give the gift of life-essential clean water.